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Jurnal Litigasi Amsir
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Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir (JULIA), is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law, Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Bisnis Andi Sapada. JULIA is published four times a year in February, May, August, and November. This journal provides direct open access to content on the principle of free availability for the public interest and supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober" : 13 Documents clear
Undang-Undang ITE: Sang Tombak atau Tameng Dunia Maya Fandy Kusuma Faizal
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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This research aims to determine the development of Information and Communication Technology, factors for the needs and targets of the use of information technology, and the causes of the emergence of rampant issues related to the ITE Law. This research method uses empirical normative research. The results showed that the public already knew the ITE Law, but had not been able to interpret the ITE Law correctly. The lack of socialization and literacy related to the ITE Law so has not been able to distinguish which victims are the perpetrators of violations of the Law. Therefore, let's be wiser in using this increasingly sophisticated information technology. Make the most of it for good and right things, so that no one reports each other anymore using the ITE Act and no one feels disadvantaged by this ITE Act anymore.
Urgensi Regulasi Ketahanan dan Keamanan Siber dalam Undang-Undang ITE Muhamamad Arief
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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The case of the BPJS data leak containing the personal data of 279 million Indonesians and the circulation of the BMKG SMS blast containing false information has become a public spotlight because it indicates the weakness of the personal data protection system and national cyber security. Until now, there is no specific regulation that comprehensively regulates cyber security and resilience. The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kominfo) supports the ratification of the Cyber Security and Resilience Bill, especially for securing critical infrastructure and completing the Electronic Information and Transaction Law
Urgensi Undang-Undang ITE di Era Globalisasi Nur Qalbi Putri Ramadhani Ahmad
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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The Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE) which the government has ratified along with the rapid development of information technology, aims to maintain and maintain polite behavior in cyberspace. However, Indonesian people feel that the existence of the ITE Law hinders freedom of expression and issuing opinions. Moreover, the ITE Law has benefits, namely the state apparatus to silence people who criticize the state. In this journal, the author explains the various effects of the ITE Law on people's lives and the impact it has caused. In conclusion, the principles of the ITE Law have good intentions for use to protect Indonesian people on social media. The greater the development of information technology in cyberspace and social media, the bigger the risks that may be faced. The community also wants the government to immediately remove articles that are prone to be misused for freedom of expression and can create democracy for both the people and the government.
Dumping Dalam Perspektif Hukum Perdagangan Internasional Dandy Rezky Sanjaya; Muh. Hartato S. Hadi; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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This study aims to analyse anti-dumping regulations in international trade and their application to the domestic industry of imported products with indications of dumping. The research method used is the normative legal research method. The results of his research are that apart from referring to international regulations (Agreement on Implementation of Article VI GATT and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties), they also refer to national laws and regulations, namely laws. No. 10 of 1995 concerning Customs. Anti-dumping regulations are urgently needed to protect domestic industries against practices that can harm domestic industries that produce similar goods. Applications that Indonesia can carry out to overcome dumping practices must first be carried out by an investigation by KADI to obtain evidence regarding imported products with indications of dumping, which will be detrimental to the domestic industry. According to this evidence, through KADI, the government can charge importers anti-dumping import duties.
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Dalam Transaksi Jual-Beli Melalui E-Commerce Alfitriani Alfitriani; Octavianty Octavianty; Mutmainna Mutmainna
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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Behind the rapid advances in technology, especially the development of the Internet in Indonesia, there are a lot of negative things being targeted and harassed people who like the Internet that we usually hear as Internet surfers. For business and trade in the internet media is required understanding, seriousness, and the will of its own. In an agreement is often one of the parties/stakeholders have to face difficult conditions and ultimately contact/agreement that has been agreed can not walk/run well/as appropriate. Factors that make it difficult events that can occur due to deliberate or accidental. Default is a condition/situation that can be done by one of the parties or the parties to an engagement which can be generally described that the treaty was not executed properly and not in accordance with what has been agreed from the beginning. Plunge into the business of buying and selling online/transact electronically (e-commerce) is a rare move but it's a lifestyle and trend in this medern era, but must also watch out and be noticed. Among the things that can later be referred to as a form of default. Default in the purchase agreement online can take many forms and sometimes we experienced it and still not sensitized that this/these events can be called an act of default. For example: late payment, no payment, send the goods but not in accordance with what was agreed, but too late to send goods, which in turn raises certain legal consequences.
Ketaatan Negara Terhadap Hukum Perdagangan Internasional Musfala Yudha; Nur Qalbi Putri Ramadhani Ahmad; Muhammad Agung
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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International trade law is part of international law. Therefore, of course, various imperfections or weaknesses in international law are also affected in the field of international trade law. This journal will explain why countries in conducting international trade need to comply with international trade law. This article provides an argument that the reason for a country to comply with international trade law is due to the belief that obedience will benefit the interests of the country itself. The next reason is that there is a fundamental principle within the scope of international agreements which is the legal source of international trade law, namely the principle of good faith. A country that has been bound in an international trade agreement must carry out the provisions of the agreement in accordance with the contents, soul, intent and purpose of the agreement itself, respecting the rights and obligations of each party.
Pesona Nikel Indonesia Kurang Memikat Tesla Fandy Kusuma Faizal; Muchran Fajrin; Ilyas Sibali
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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This study aims to determine the development of Tesla's investment in Indonesia related to one of the Natural Resources, which is now the favorite of investors, Nickel. This empirical research method uses normative research. The study results show that many people need to learn the cause of the failure of Tesla's investment in Indonesia due to the issue of implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). ESG values are company practice values that refer to three things: the environment, social impact, and good regulatory governance. As long as Nickel mining in Indonesia is carried out in ways that are not environmentally friendly and damage nature, don't expect Tesla (Elon Musk) to invest in Indonesia.
Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan Farmasi dan BPOM Terhadap Produk Obat Sirup Anak Agil Ahmad; Nova Krisyananti; Muh. Rafli Rumbia; Susanti Susanti; Moch Al Farih Rahim; Aslinda Aslinda; Muh. Alfayed Suherman; Putri Rifdah Amalia
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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Acute kidney failure caused by contaminated FG and DFG syrup drugs mixed with children's syrup drugs. Several other causes that allow kidney failure to occur have been ruled out because it is not proven that the Ministry of Health is working with BPOM to conduct research on recommended drugs for research.Health workers and the pharmaceutical industry are also encouraged by BPOM to continue to actively report drug side effects or unwanted events after drug unemployment to the national pharmaceutical center through the e-Meso mobile application.BPOM supervises business actors to ensure the safety of the raw materials used. This is due to the high level of contamination in syrup medicines which cannot be separated from the responsibility of the drug producer or industry.
Cyberbullying: Varian Perundungan terhadap Anak Berbasis Digital Irfan Irfan
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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The digital era, as it is today, with an easily accessible internet network, creates conveniences for people to communicate or exchange information. Digital technology which is increasingly sophisticated today, has a significant influence on changes in people's lives, and various digital technologies have sprung up along with the progress and needs of the times. Positive and negative impacts must always accompany every development; this is not the case with technological developments. One of the subjects who are connoisseurs of technological developments that are feared to have a negative impact is children because, at the age of a child, which is a stormy transitional phase in the inner life of children, it is feared that it can make their psyche very unstable and easily influenced by external influences so that the age of this child is very vulnerable to violence both in the real world and in cyberspace, both physical and non-physical. One form of violence that children in cyberspace often experience is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an act or behavior of a person or group that is carried out intentionally and repeatedly (continuously) to carry out actions that hurt other people through computers, cell phones and other electronic devices that impact the psychological condition of the victim
Incoterms dalam Perjanjian Perdagangan Internasional Adri Wijaya; Andi Yenni Rakhman Putri; Ahmad Dzulfahmi Saleh
Jurnal Litigasi Amsir 2022: (Special Issue) September-Oktober
Publisher : Faculty of Law Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business

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This research aims to study and analyze the position of International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) as international customary law in international trade agreements as well as to study and analyze the rights and obligations of the exporters and importers concerning the use of Incoterms in an international trade agreement. The benefits expected from the results of this research are as a contribution of thoughts in the field of legal studies, especially in connection with international trade law for the businessmen in the sector of international trade and the government in making legislation concerning international trade. The method of this research is normative legal research by studying legal resources (primary, secondary, and tertiary legal resources) which are relevant to the legal issues being studied. The approach used is analytical. The results of this research point out that the legal force of Incoterms in international trade agreements is derived from customary law and international customs which have a position as law. Incoterms are a source of international trade law. However, the legal force of Incoterms as international customary law is not equal to the legal force of International Agreements such as Convention, Treaty, Charters, Agreement, Covenant, Protocol, Fact, etc. So, in practice, the exporters and importers frequently experience that the provisions of the Incoterms which have been agreed upon by the parties are then violated by one of the parties because the Incoterms are not yet perfectly regulated. Incoterms still raise problems in their application in the field because there are vague norms concerning the scope and limits of responsibilities of each party, namely, the exporters and importers.

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